New Frontier And What It Means To Us

New Frontier. What does it stand for? Well when Kevin and I were first starting a design business in 2010, we brainstormed for a while, trying to decide what to call ourselves. Considering we weren’t married yet, starting a business together was probably a risky move. We did end up fighting like cats and dogs just trying to decide on a name!

But Kevin was the one who finally found some inspiration for a name that we both liked. He showed me an excerpt of John F. Kennedy’s famous nomination speech in which he refers to the space race that the United States was running in the 1960’s. In this speech he challenges America to reach farther into their adventurous spirits, which had first led to the exploration of the American frontier in the 18th and 19th centuries, and to rally behind the idea of exploring the stars and all realms of space, which he called “The New Frontier”.

That drive for achievement isn’t so prevalent nowadays, especially among people in our generation who are content to settle for mediocrity. They show no work ethic and no propensity for ingenuity. But we’d like to be a part of changing that and inspiring others our age to reach for more and to push our country forward in new fresh ways. Living in the United States is the best opportunity anyone could ever ask for, and we choose to use this wonderful birthplace lottery that we won to make an impact on our world.

This inspired, adventurous view of the world which JFK first mentioned in his speech in 1960 describes our desire as a company to go further in making great designs and in serving our customers well. You could say we’re shooting for the moon and hoping to land among the stars.


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